Ancient Egyptian Recipes: Breads Made For Everyday Life

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Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Breads

Ancient Egyptian breads were made for everyday life. They were used as a staple in the diet, and were eaten both as a snack and as part of a meal. Today, bread is one of the most popular foods in the world, but it was not always this way. In ancient times, bread was rare and expensive, and was only eaten by the wealthy. Today, however, bread is cheap and easy to find, and is enjoyed by everyone. There are many different types of Ancient Egyptian breads, each with its own unique flavor and texture. In this blog section, we will explore some of the most common Ancient Egyptian breads and their recipes.

Basic Recipes for Ancient Egyptian Breads

Ancient Egyptians relied on bread for sustenance, and breads were created for every day life. Some of these breads were easy to make, while others required a bit more time and effort but were still very simple to make. Here are some basic recipes for ancient Egyptian breads:

Bread of Harvest: This bread is made from a mixture of flour, water, and salt. The dough is kneaded until it’s smooth, then allowed to rise. Once it has doubled in size, it’s punched down and shaped into a loaf. The loaf is then baked in an oven or on a griddle.

Bread of Ministration: This bread is made from a mixture of whole-wheat flour and durum wheat flour. The dough is kneaded until it’s smooth, then allowed to rise. Once it has doubled in size, it’s punched down and shaped into a loaf. The loaf is then baked in an oven or on a griddle.

Bread of the Poor: This bread is made from only flour and water. It’s not as fluffy as other breads, but it’s still delicious. The dough is kneaded until it’s smooth, then allowed to

Flavored and Spiced Ancient Egyptian Breads

Ancient Egyptians were some of the first people to domesticate grains and make bread. They enjoyed a variety of breads, flavored with exotic spices, that were used for everyday life. Some of the most common breads included pitta, naan, and bureka. These breads were eaten with soups and stews, or simply as a snack. In addition to their classic flavor combinations, ancient Egyptians also experimented with unusual flavors such as rosemary and lavender. Today, many of these flavorful breads can be found at bakeries across Egypt.


Breads have been a part of everyday life for centuries, and Ancient Egyptian recipes reflect that. These breads were not just for special occasions, but were also used to accompany meals on the go. From flatbreads to leavened loaves, these recipes will help you create breads that are perfect for your everyday cooking needs. So put down the boxed mix and give these ancient bread recipes a try!

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